I. In which i feel complelled to talk much about my early years...
II. In which Mrs. Raynor and my uncle have a passage at arms...
III. In Which i awaken to a sad christmas.
VI. In Which the blue clippers get a new member....
VII. In Which we go swimming and meet with an adventure.
VIII. In Which we fight our battles o´er again and spend a pleasant...
IX. In Which i have a bad night and produce a sensation in the dormitory.
X. In which we divide our attention between baseball and latin...
XI. In Which percy wynn meets with a failure.
XIX. In Which the chapter proceeds from gay to grave, from lively to severe.
XX. In Which wille tipp changes his name and becomes the learder of a mischievous organization.
XXIII. In Which tipp makes a speech.
XXIV. In Which is given some account of the intercolegiate...
XXV. In Which rose scarborough renews our acquaint snce and sings...
XXVIII. In Which tom playfair surprises us.
XXIX. In Which Mr. Lang obtains further data concern ing the missing money...
XXX. In Which i have the doubtful pleasure...