Frederick the great and his court / by L. Muhlbach
New York : American Publishers Corporation
Tabla de Contenido
Fredereick the great and his court.
Chapter I - III.
I. Queen sophia dorothea.
II. Federick Wiliam I.
III. The Tobacco club.
Chapter IV - VI.
IV. Castles in spain.
V. Father and son.
VI. The White hall.
Chapter VII - IX.
VII. The Maid-of-honor and the gardener.
VIII. Diplomatist manteuffel.
IX. Crown prince Federick.
Chapter X - XII.
X. The Crown prince and the jew.
XI. Crown princess Elizabeth Christine.
XII. The poem.
Chapter XIII - XIV.
XIII. The banquet.
XIV. Le roi est mort, vive le roi.
Chapter XV - XVI.
XV. We The king.
XVI. The Day of judgment and mercy.
Chapter XVII - XIX.
XVII. In The granden at montbijou.
XVIII. The Queen´s maid of honor.
XIX. Prince Augustus Wiliam.
Chapter XX - XXI.
XX. The king and the son.
XXI. The Queen´s court tailor.
Chapter XXII - XXIII.
XXII. The Illustors ancestors of a Tailor.
XXIII. Soffri e tacl.
Chapter XXIV - XXV.
XXIV. Coronation day.
XXV. Doris Ritter.
Chapter XXVI - XXVIII.
XXVI. Old and new sorrow.
XXVII. The Proposal of the marriage.
XXVIII. The quenn as wooer.
Chapter XXIX - XXX.
XXIX. The Proposal of marriage.
XXX. The Misunderstanding.
Chapter XXXI. A Soirée at the queen dowager´s.
Chapter XXXII - XXXIV.
XXXII. Under the Lindens.
XXXIII. The Berlin politicians and the french tailor.
XXXIV. The Double rendezvous.
Chapter XXXV - XXXVII.
XXXV. The Intriguing courtiers.
XXXVI. The king and the minister of finance.
XXXVII. The Disappointed courtiers
Chapter XXXVIII - XL.
XXXVIII. The Betrothed.
XXXIX. The Tailor families, or the montagues an capulets of berlin.
XL. In Rheinsberg.
Chapter XLI - XLIII.
XLI.The King and his friend.
XLII. Farewell audience of the Austrian ambassador, marquis botta.
XLIII. The Masquerade.
Chapter XLIV - XLVI.
XLIV. The Fancy ball.
XLV. Reward and punishment.
XLVI. The Return.
XLVII. The Death of the old time.
XLVIII. The Discovery.
Chapter XLIX - LI.
XLIX. Revelations.
L. Surprises.
LI. Dismissal of Baron von pöllnttz.