Louisa of Prussia and her times : an historical novel /
New York : D. Appleton and Co. 1867.
Tabla de Contenido
Campo formio.
Chapter I - III.
I. Dreadful tidings.
II. Minister von thugut.
III. The interview.
Chapter IV - V.
IV. The two minister.
V. The house in the gumpendorfer suburb.
Chapter VI - VII.
VI. Joseph haydn.
VII. General bonaparte.
Chapter VIII. The treaty of campo formio.
The young queen of prussia.
Chapter IX - X.
IX. Queen louisa.
X. The king's recollections.
Chapter XI - XII.
XI. The young king.
XII. Frederick gentz.
Chapter XIII - XIV.
XIII. The interview with the minister of finance.
XIV. The memorial to frederick william III.
Chapter XV. The wedding.
Chapter XVI. Marianne meier.
Chapter XVII. Love and politics.
France and germany.
Chapter XVIII - XIX.
XVIII. Citoyenne josephine bonaparte.
XIX. Bonaparte and josephine.
Chapter XX - XXI.
XX. The reception of the ambassadors.
XXI. France and austria.
Chapter XXII. The banner of glory.
Chapter XXIII. Minister thugut.
Chapter XXIV - XXV.
XXIV. The festival of the volunteers.
XXV. The riot.
Last days of the eighteenth century.
Chapter XXVI. Victoria de poutet.
XXVII. Rastadt.
XXVIII. The justification.
Chapter XXIX - XXX.
XXIX. The assassination.
XXX. Jean debry.
Chapter XXXI - XXXII.
XXXI. The coalition.
XXXII. The frien of peace.
XXXIII. The legitimate wife.
XXXIV. The eighteenth of brumaire.
The peace of luneville.
Chapter XXXV - XXXVI.
XXXV. Johannes muller.
XXXVI. Thugut's fall.
Chapter XXXVII. Fanny von arnstein.
Chapter XXXVIII. The rivals.
Chapter XXXIX. The legacy.
Chapter XL. The first consul.
Chapter XLI. Two german savants.
The third coalition.
Chapter XLII. The emperor Napoleon.
Chapter XLIII - XLIV.
XLIII. Napoleon and the German princes.
XLIV. Queen louisa's piano lesson.
Chapter XLV. The conference.
Chapter XLVI. The oath at the grave of frederick the great.
The fall of the german empire.
XLVII. Evil tidings.
XLVIII. Before the battle.
Chapter XLIX - L.
XLIX. "Gott erhalte franz den kaiser!"
L. Patriotism.
Chapter LI - LII.
LI. Judith.
LII. Napoleon and the prussian minister.
Chapter LIII. Judith and holofernes.
Chapter LIV. The fall of the german empire.
The battle of jena.
Chapter LV - LVI.
LV. A german bookseller and martyr.
LVI. The arrest.
Chapter - LVII - LVIII.
LVII. A wife's love.
LVIII. The women of braunau.
Chapter LIX - LX.
LIX. The last hour.
LX. Prussia's declaration of war.
Chapter LXI - LXII.
LXI. A bad omen.
LXII. Before the battle.
Chapter LXIII. The german philosopher.