Jack Curzon a novel
New York Hurst, c1898
Tabla de Contenido
Book I. My contract with the katipunan.
Chapter I. "You sabe, manila no good !"
Chapter II. On the pacific mail boat.
Chapter III. "This message to my sailor boy !"
Chapter IV. "Brothers, I smell a stranger !"
Chapter V. Ata tonga.
Book II. The daughters of the expatriated american.
Chapter VI. A filipino tiffin.
Chapter. VII. The war of torturers against demons.
Chapter VIII. El corregidor.
Chapter IX. The opera at el teatro zorilla.
Chapter X. An afternoon on the luneta.
Chapter XI. The cock-fight in the tondo.
Chapter XII. Heer ludenbaum takes breakfast on the ancona.
Chapter XIII. The mutiny of the carabineros.
Book III. The triumph of the german.
Chapter XIV. "Did you get that package through the custom house?"
Chapter XV. "'I' ll kick the judge of the supreme court of manila down my steps."
Chapter XVI. The empty house on the calzada san miguel.
Chapter XXVIII. "Fine news for phil marston of the u. s. Navy!"
Chapter XVIII. "That's a yarn for the marines !"
Chapter XIX. The date book of the chinaman.
Chapter XX. The vengeance of a nation.
Book IV. Divorce by court-martial.
Chapter XXI. "Gol darn it ! I hear the eagle scream !"
Chapter XXII. Into the land she dreads.
Chapter XXIII. The kite of the chinaman.
Chapter XXIV. Chaco, the patriot.
Chapter XXV. Wedded by decree.
Chapter XXVI. Intro the lion's mouth.
Chapter XXVII. Divorce by court-martial.
Chapter XXVIII. "Dear one, you look not on my dying face !"
Book V. The spoils of victory.
Chapter XXIX. The filipino wedding.
Mrs. winslow's soothing syrup.