A treatise on the science and practice of midwifery
Philadelphia,[Philadelphia] Lea Brothers 1893
Tabla de Contenido
The science and practice of midwifery.
Part I. Anatomy and physiology of the organs concerned in parturition.
Chapter I. Anatomy of the pelvis.
Chapter II. The female generative organs.
Chapter III. Ovulation and menstruations.
Part II. Pregnancy.
Chapter I. Conceptions and generations.
Chapter II. The anatomy and physiology of the foetus.
Chapter III. Pergnancy.
Chapter IV. Signs and symptoms of pregnancy.
Chapter V. The differential diagnosis of pregnancy-spurious pregnancy-the duration of pregnancy -signs of recent pregnancy.
Chapter VI. Abnormal pregnancy, including multiple pregnancy, superfoetation, extra-uterine foetation, and missed labor.
Chapter VII. Diseases of pregnancy.
Chapter VIII. Diseases of pregnancy-continued.
Chapter IX. Pathology of the decidua and ovum.
Chapter X. Abortion and premature labor.
Part III. Labor.
Chapter I. The phenomena of labor.
Chapter II. Mechanims of delivery in head presentations.
Chapter III. Management of natural labor.
Chapter IV. Anesthesia in labor.
Chapter V. Pelvic presentations.
Chapter VI. Presentations of the face.
Chapter VII. Difficult occisito-posterior positions.
Chapter VIII. Presentations of the shoulder, arm, or trunk.-complex presentations.-prolapse of the funis.
Chapter IX. Prolongad and precipitate labors.
Chapter X. Labor obstructed by faulty condition of the soft parts.
Chapter XI. Difficult labor depending on some inusual condition of the fetus.
Chapter XII. Deformities of the pelvis.
Chapter XIII. Hemorrhage befote delivery: placenta previa.
Chapter XIV. Hemorrhage from separations of a normally situated placenta.
Chapter XV. Hemorrhage alter delivery.
Chapter XVI. Rupture of the uterus, etc.
Chapter XVII. Inversion of the uterus.
Part IV. Obstetric operations.
Chapter I. Induction of premature labor.
Chapter II. Turning.
Chapter III. The forceps
Chapter IV. The vectis -the fillet
Chapter V. Operations involving destructions of the fetus.
Chapter VI. The cesaren section-porro-cesaren operation.
Chapter VII. Celio-elytrotomy ['] and symphyseotomy.
Chapter VIII. The transfusión of blood.
Part V. The puerperal state.
Chapter I. The puerpal state and its management.
Chapter II. Management of the infant, lactation, etc.
Chapter III. Puerperal eclampsia.
Chapter IV. Puerperal insanity.
Chapter V. Puerperal septicemia.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter VI. Puerperal venous trombosis and embolism.
Chapter VII. Puerperal arterial trombosis and embolism.
Chapter VIII. Other causes of sudden death Turing labor and the puerperal state.
Chapter IX. Peripherals venous thrombosis- (syn.: crural phlebitis-phlegmasia dolens-anasarca serosa-edema lacteum- White leg,
Chapter X. Pelvic cellulitis and pelvic peritonitis.
Lea Brothers &co's classified catalogue of medical and surgical Publications.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.