The casket of poetical gems / comp. by A. Craig.
Chicago: W. G. Holmes, 1880.
Tabla de Contenido
Preliminares. - Indice.
The May Queen.
Elegy, written in a country Churchyard. - Love.
Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud.- The last man.- Summer
Evelyn Hope.- The cry of the children.- Lines written while sailing in a boat at evening.
The nameless dead.- Tired out.
The sensitive plant.
A childs evening prayer.- Horatius.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
The changed cross.- The burial of moses.- Song.- Naturelle.- The mother's heart.
Little bille.- The vagabonds.- The parting hour.- The orient.
Curfew must not ring to night.- The raven.- My pretty, budding, breathing flowers.
The water that has passed.- Possession.- O, lay thy hand in mane, dear.- Winter.- Kiss me softly.- The worn wedding ring.
A wish.- She is not fair.- The little milliner.- Small beginnings.
My mother.- The vale of cashmere.- Molly Carew.- The origin of the opal.- Man was made to mourn.
The children.- Hunting song.- The greenwood shrift.
The American flag.- Columbia.- My country.- A court lady.
Napoleon and the British sailor.- Thought.- The sea fight.
Only a woman.- The bells of Shandon.- The origin of the harp.- To Mary in heaven.- The songsters.
The two April mornings.- Alpine heights.- The landing of the pilgrim fathers.- Seven times two.- To a skeleton.- It never comes again.
The modern belle.- Kissining´s no sin.- Lessons for life.- Letters.- Hymn.- Gold.- The village preacher.- Little breeches.
The fishermen.- Address to the ocean.- Dr. Addison Alexander's Monosyllable poem.- Song of the decanter.- Lines and couplets.
Album verses.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.