First. The influence of the weight of the plow on its draft.
Secondly. The relative influence of the mold-board…
Thirdly. The influence of the depth of the furrow upon the draft.
Fourthly. The influence of velocity on the draft.
Fifthly. The influence of wheels of various kinds upon the draft…
Sixthly. The effect of the length of the various parts…
Steam plows in England. - Boydell´s Patent Traction Engine.
Paper on Grapes.
Native, or indigenous grapes.
From William A. Forward, of Palatka, Florida.
From, S. M. Baird, of Albuquerque, New Mexico.
From C. R. Bukalew, Minister Resident.
From S. B. Parsons, at Lausanne.
Silk culture.
The radish, and fruits of Japan.
From Beverly L. Clarke, United States Minister Resident to Guatemala.
Orchard-house culture.
The hang-worm.
Letter from N. H. Morague, M. D., of Palatka, Florida.
From Rev. James T. Barclay, Jaffa.
From O. R. Buckalew, Minister Resident.
From David L. Gregg, Consul at Honolulu, Hawaiian Kingdom.
Wooden shoes.
From Hon. Joseph Wright, Minister to Prusia.
From A. J. Smith, United States Consul.
From Ernest Volger, United States Consul.
From William Story, of Jamestown, Fentress county, Tennessee.