Trevlyn hold a novel / by Mrs. Henry Wood.
London: R. Bentley and Son, 1895.
Tabla de Contenido
Chapter I. The scarlet cravat
II. The Hole in the Path.
III. Chattaway´s Bull.
IV. Life or death.
V. Locking on the dead.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
VI. The romance of Trevlyn Hold.
VII. Mr. Ryle´s Last will and testament.
VIII. Incipient Rebellion.
IX. Emancipation.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
X. Madam´s Room.
XI. Like the Slippers in Eastern Story.
XII. A night bell unanswered.
XIII. Opinions differ.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
XIV. No breakfast for Rupert.
XV. Torments for he master of Trevlyn Hold.
XVI. Mr. Chattaway´s Office.
XVII. Dead beat.
XVIII. Mrs. Chattaway´s "Old Impression".
XIX. A fit of Amiability in cris.
XX. An Invasion at the parsonage.
XXI. The stranger with the red Umbrella.
XXII. The collection in the road.
XXIII. The danger coming very close.
XXIV. A meeting at Mark Canham´s.
XXV. News for miss Diana.
XXVI. An impromptu Journey.
XXVII. A walk by Starlight.
XXVIII. A visit to Doctor´s Commons.
XXIX. A welcome home.
XXX. Mr. Chattaway come to Grief.
XXXI. Who has down the Shaft?.
XXXII. A shock for Mr. Chattaway.
XXXIII. The old Trouble again.
XXXIV. The next morning.
XXXV. An Ill-Omened Chastisement.
XXXVI. The Blaze.
XXXVII. A night scene.
XXXVIII. Nora´s Diplomacy.
XXXIX. Another visitor for Mrs. Sanders.
XL. The examination.
XLI. A night encounter.
XLII. News for Trevlyn Hold
XLIII. The revelation of Mr. James Sanders.
XLIV. Ferment.
XLV. An application to a magistrate.
XLVI. A fright for Ann Canham.
XLVII. Surprise for George Ryle.
XLVIII. Danger.
XLIX. A red- letter day at Trevlyn Farm.
L. A Dilemma in more Ways than one.
LI. A letter for Mr. Chattaway.
LII. A day of Mishaps.
LIII. A Surprise for Mr. Chataway
LIV. A ghost for Old Canham.
LV. The dread come home to Mr. Chataway
LVI. Doubts cleared at last.
LVII. A visit to Rupert.
LVIII. A Conversation with Mr. Chataway.
LIX. News for Maude
LX. A better Heirship.
LXI. In the Church at Barbrook.