Message from the President of the United State
Washington, D.C. : s.n., 1867
Tabla de Contenido
United states, European, and west Virginia Land and Mining Company and Mexico.
Mexican legation in the united states of America.
List of documents sent by the Mexican Legation in Washington to the Departament of state of ....
Correspondence of the legation with the departament of...
No. 1-6.
No. 7-12.
No. 13-20.
No. 21-31.
No. 32-49.
No. 50-67.
No. 68-85.
No. 86-100
No. 101-109.
No. 110-120.
No. 121-124.
No. 125-143.
No. 144-152.
No. 153-154.
No. 155-158.
No. 159-165.
No. 166.
Mexican Legation in the United States of America.
Correspondence of the departament of foreign relations of the Mexican Republic.
No. 1-12.
No. 13-29.
No. 30-47.
No. 55-106
No. 108-120.
No. 121-134.
No. 135-151.
No. 152-169.
Message from the president of the united states, comunicating.
No. 1-6.
Correspondence with Mr. Romero on Maximillian.
Mr. Servard to Mr. Romero.
Documents from the ministry of war.
No. 1-19.
No. 20-26.
Trial of Maximilian.
Mexican legation to the United States of America..
Count Wydenbruck to Mr. Seward, Washington, April 6, 1867.
Count Wydenbruck to Mr. Seward. Washington, Juliy 11, 1867.
United states of America.
No. 1- Mexican Republic.- Gobernament and Military...
Mexican Legation in the United States of America, Washington, July 13, 1867.
Ebbitt House Hotel, Washington City, July6, 1867.
United States Steamer Tecony, Sacrificios, Mexico, May 10, 1867.
Departament of state, Washington, July 12, 1867.
Correspondence of Mr. Romero on recent events in Mexico.
Orizaba, March 3, 1867.
Exposè of the condition of the empire.
No. 1-12.
"William H. Seward."
Forced loans in Mexico.
Departament of state, Washington, June 11, 1867.
Legislative Body.
"Achille Fould."
Paris, June 25, 1867.
What Mexico has cost France.
No. 1-14.
No. 15-20.
Consulte of the United States of America, City of Mexico, February 10, 1867.
United States consultaire general, Tampico, May 20, 1867.
Country, independence, Liberty!.
Republican army, eastern line-general-in-chief.
No. 1-5.
Mexican republic- supreme gobernament of the State of Chihuahua.
Index to partes relating to Mexican affairs in 1867.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Message from the president of the united states.
Departement of state, Washington, July 11, 1867.
United states Steamer Susquehanna, Havana, November 21, 1866.
Brownsville, Texas, December 9, 1866.
Departament of state, Washington, January 8, 1867.
Departament of State, Washington, March 2, 1867.
New Orleans , March 13, 1867.
New Orleans, U.S.A., April 6, 1867.
New Orleans, May 28, 1867.