The autocrat of the breakfast table / by Oliver W. Holmes
Philadelphia : H. Altemus
Tabla de Contenido
The autocrat of the breakfast table.
Every man his own boswell.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Parte 3.
"Thou, thou reign'st in this bosom,
The old man dreams.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
" Hunc lapidem posuerunt Soch Moerentes.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Mare rubrum.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
What we all think.
The last blossom.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Spring has come.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
A good time going.
Extract From My Private Journal.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Henry altemus' publications.