Frederick the great and his family : an historical novel /
New York : A. L. Fowle, 1905.
Tabla de Contenido
Book I.
Chapter I - V.
I. The king.
II. Prince henry.
III. Louise von kleist.
IV. At the masked ball.
V. A secret captain.
Chapter VI - VIII.
VI. The legacy of von trenck, colonel of the pandours.
VII. The king and Weingarten.
VIII. The unwilling bridegroom.
Chapter IX - XI.
IX. The first disappointment.
X. The conquered.
XI. The travelling musicians.
Chapter XII - XIV.
XII. Travelling adventures.
XIII. The drag-boat.
XIV. In amsterdam.
Chapter XV. The king without shoes.
Book II.
Chapter I. The unhappy news.
Chapter II - III.
II. Trenck on his way to prision.
III. Prince henry and his wife.
Chapter IV - VI.
IV. The fete in the woods.
V. Intrigues.
VI. The private audience.
Chapter VII - IX.
VII. The traitor.
VIII. Declaration of war.
IX. The king and his brothers.
Chapter X - XII.
X. The laurel-branch.
XI. The ball at count bruhl's.
XII. The interrupted feast.
Chapter XIII - XIV.
XIII. The archives at dresden.
XIV. Saxony humiliated.
Book III. Chapter I. The maiden of brunen.
Chapter I - III.
I. The maiden of brunen.
II. News of battle.
III. The certificate of enlistment.
Chapter IV - VI.
IV. Farewell to the village.
V. The prisoner.
VI. The prision barricade.
Chapter VII - VIII.
VII. The battle of collin.
VIII. The inimical brothers.
Chapter IX - XI.
IX. The letters.
X. In the castle at dresden.
XI. The te deum.
Chapter XII - XIV.
XII. Camp scene.
XIII. The watch-fire.
XIV. The battle of leuthen.
Chapter XV - XVI.
XV. Winter quarters in breslau.
XVI. The broken heart.
Book IV.
Chapter I - III.
I. The king and his old and new enemies.
II. The three officers.
III. Ranuzi.
Chapter IV - V.
IV. Louise du trouffle.
V. The fortune-teller.
Chapter VI - VIII.
VI. A court day in berlin.
VII. In the window-niche.
VIII. The nutshells behind the fauteuil of the queen.
Chapter IX - X.
IX. The duel and its consequences.
X. The five couriers.
Chapter XI - XIII.
XI. After the battle.
XII. A heroic soul.
XIII. The two grenadiers.
Chapter XIV - XV.
XIV. The right counsel.
XV. A hero in misfortune.
Book V.
Chapter I - II.
I. The teresiani and the prussianl.
II. Frederick the great as a saint.
Chapter III - IV.
III. The cloister brothers of san giovanni e paolo.
IV. The return from the army.
Chapter V - VI.
V. The brave fathers and the cowardly sons.
VI. The traitor`s betrayal.
Chapter VII - IX.
VII. The accusation.
VIII. Revenge.
IX. Trenck.
Chapter X - XI.
X. "Trenck, are you there?"
XI. The king and the german scholar.
Chapter XII - XIV.
XII. Gellert.
XIII. The poet and the king.
XIV. The king and the village magistrate.
Chapter XV. The proposal of marriage.
Chapter XVI. The ambassador and the khan of tartary.
Book VI.
Chapter I - II.
I. The king's return.
II. Prince henry.
Chapter III. Mother and daughter.
Chapter IV. The king in sans-souci.
Chapter V. The engraved cup.
Chapter VI. The princess and the diplomat.
Chapter VII - VIII.
VII. The royal house-spy.
VIII. The clouds gather.
Chapter IX - X.
IX. Brother and sister.
X. The stolen child.
Chapter XI - XII.
XI. The discovery.
XII. A morning at sans-souci.
Chapter XIII - XIV.
Chapter XIII - XIV.
XIII. A husband's revenge.
XIV. The separation.