Metals, Fluxes, Reducing agents, Reagentes, Etc.
Physical Properties of the useful metals and the influence of small quantities of impurities in modifying these propert
Metallic sulphides and arsenides.
Conversion of sulphides into oxides and sulphates.
Action of sulphides on oxides and sulphates.
Arsenic as a metallurgical agent.
Cupellation and scorification.
Assaying by dry methods.
Character and uses of reagents with their common impurities.
Assaying by dry methods.
Assay of copper ores and products.
Assay of oxidised ores or products sufficiently rich to be fused for coarse copper direct.
Assay of yellow ores of copper.
Grey ores.
German copper assay.
Plattners method for the valuation of copper ores, slags, and alloys, containing copper, lead, bismuth, nickel, and cob
Assay of lead ores and products.
First method.
Method employed in the upper hartz.
Second method.
Estimation of silver in lead.
Assay of tin ores.
Assay of antimony ores.
Assay of zinc ores, slags.
Assay of mercury ores.
Assay of bismuth ores.
Assay of nickel and cobalt ores.
Dry assay of platinum alloys.
Wet assay of zinc in ores and slags.
Wet assay of copper in ores and slags.
Wet assay of mercury in ores.
Wet assay of lead in ores.
Wet assay of tin in ores.
Wet assay of antimony in ores.
Assay of barium in heavy spar.
Assay of platinum ores and alloys.
Analysis of limestone or dolomite and clay.
Analysis of insoluble silicates, glass, slags.
Estimation of the total carbon in iron and steel.
Estimation of copper in iron.
Estimation of sulphur in iron and steel.
Estimation of manganese in iron and steel.
Estimation of phosphorus in iron and steel.
Estimation of chromium in iron and steel.
Estimation of titanium in iron and steel.
Analysis of iron ores, slags.
Analysis of furnace gases.
Volumetric analysis; or determination by volume.
Employment of iodine and sodium thiosulphate.
Estimation of cyanogen and chlorine by precipitation.
Estimation of phosphoric acid.
Volumetric estimation of silver.
Indian method of silver assaying.
Volumetric estimation of lead.
Volumetric estimation of copper.
Sodium thiosulphate method.