Lectures on the diseases of the nervous system delivered at la salpetrière.
Part I. disorders of nutrition consequent on lesions the brain and spinal cord.
I disorders of nutrition consequemt on lesion of the nevers.
II. Nutritive disorders consecutive on nerve lesions (continued).
III. Disorders of nutrition consecutive on lesions of the apinal cord and brain.
IV. Nutritive disorders consecutive on lesions of the brain and spinal cord. (conclusion.) affections of the viscera. Theoretical observations.
Part II. Paralysis agitans and disseminated sclerosis.
VI. Disseminated sclerosis. Phatological anatomy.
VII. Disseminated sclerosis. Its symptomatology.
VIII. Apoledtiform seizures in disseminated sclerosis. Periods and forms. Phatological physiology. Etiology. Treatment.