The posthumous papers to the pickwick club / by Charles Dickens
New York : Harper and Bros
Tabla de Contenido
Posthumous Papers of The Pickwick club.
Chapter I. The pickwickians.
Chapter II. The first day“s journey, and the frist evening“s adventures; with their consequences.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter III. A new acquaintance.- The stroller“s tale...
Chapter IV. A frield-day and bivouac.- More new friends...
Chapter V. A short one.- Showing, Among other matters how Mr. Pickwick...
Chapter VI. An old-fashioned card-party.- The clergy-man“s verses...
Chapter VII. How Mr. Winkle, instead of shooting at the pigeon and killing....
Chapter VIII. Strongly illustrative of the position...
Chapter IX - X.
IX. A discovery and a chase.
X. Clearing up all doubts ( If any existed ) of the disinterestedness...
Chapter XI. Involving another journey, and an antiquarian discovery....
Chapter XII. Descriptive of a very important proceeding on the part of Mr. Pickwick...
Chapter XIII. Some account of eatanswill...
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XIV. Comprising a brief description of the company...
Chapter XV. In which is given a faithful portraiture of two...
Chapter XVI. Too full of adventure to be briefly described.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XVII - XVIII.
XVII. Showing that an attack of rheumatism...
XVIII. Brielfly illustrative of two points...
Chapter XIX. A pleasant day, with an unpleasant termination.
Chapter XX. Showing how dodson and fogg were men of Businees...
Chapter XXI. In which the old man launches forth into his favorite...
Chapter XXII. Mr. Pickwick journeys to ipswich, and meets witch a romantic...
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXIII. In which Mr. Samuel Weller begins to devote...
Chapter XXIV. Wherein Mr. Peter magnus grows jealous...
chapter XXV. Showing, among a variet of pleasant matters...
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXVI. Which contains a brief account of the progress...
Chapter XXVII. Samuel Weller makes a pilgrimage to dorking...
Chapter XXVIII. A good-humored christmas chapter...
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXIX. The story of the goblins who stole a sexton.
Chapter XXX. How the pickwickians made and cultivated...
Chapter XXXI. Which is all about the, and sundry great...
Chapter XXXII. Describes, far more fully than the court newsman ever did...
Chapter XXXIII. Mr. Weller the Elder delivers some critical sentiments...
Chapter XXXIV. Is Wholly devoted to a full and faithful report...
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXXV. In Which Mr. Pickwick thinks he had better...
Chapter XXXVI. The chief features of which, will be found...
Chapter XXXVII. Honorably accounts for Mr. Weller“s absence...
Chaptre XXXVIII. How Mr. Winkle, when he stepped out of the Frying-pan...
Chapter XXXIX. Mr. Samuel Weller, being instrusted whth a mission of love...
Chapter XL. Introduces Mr. Pickwick to a new and not uninteresting...
Chapter XLI. What befell Mr. Pickwick when he got into the fleet...
Chapter XLII. Illustrative, like the preceding one...
Chapter XLIII. Showing how Mr. Samuel Weller...
Chapter XLIV. Treats of divers little matters which occurred in the fleet...
Chapter XLV. Descriptive on an affecting interview between.
Chapter XLVI. Records a touching act of delicate feeling...
Chapter XLVII. Is chiefly devoted to matters of businees...
Chapter XLVIII. Relates how Mr. Pickwick...
Chapter XLIX. Containing the story of the bagman“s uncle.
Chapter L. How Mr. Pickwick sped upon his mission...
Chapter LI. In Which MR. Pickwick encounters an old acquaintance...
Chapter LII. Involving a serious change in the Weller family...
Chapter LIII. Comprising the final exit of Mr. Jingle and Job Trotter...
Chapter LIV. Containing some particulars relative to the doubles knock...
Chapter LV. Mr. Solomon Peli, Assited bye a selest committee...
Chapter LVI. An important conference takes place between...
Chapter LVII. In which the pickwick club is finally...
Valuable standard works for public and private libraries...