The popular history of England /
Tomo V Parte 5
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The Popular History of England by Charles Knight.
Chapter I. Extreme grief of William.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter II. William in the Netherlands.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter III. Comercial Policy of England.
Chapter IV. Question of the Succession to the Crown of Spain.
Chapter V. A Tory administration.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter VI. Accession of queen Anne.
Chapter VII. Difficulties of recruting the English army.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter VIII. The War in Spain.
Chapter IX. Marlborough's Campaign of 1705.
Chapter X. Scotland.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XI. Warlike Addresses of Parliament.
Chapter XII. Impeachment of Dr. Sacheverel.
Chapter XIII. Conferences at Gertruydenberg.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XIV. Prince Eugene in London.
Chapter XV. Literature and Manners of the earlier part of the eighteenth century.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XVIII. Female Politicians.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XVII. Intellectual activity in every departament of knowledge.
Chapter XVIII. View of the State of the Arts from the Revolution of 1688...
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XIX. Hogarth as the historian of manners in the transition-time...
Chapter XX. Proceedings on the death of queen Anne.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXI. The Pretender in Paris.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXII. The South Sea scheme.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXIII. Accession of George II.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXIV. New Parliament of 1735.
Chapter XXV. Act for Licensing Plays.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXVI. Maria Theresa.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXVII. Prince Charles Edward arrives'at Eriska.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXVIII. Meeting of the British Parliament.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXIX. Charles Edward retreats from Derby.
Chapter XXX. Charles Edward at Inverness.
Chapter XXXI. Parliamentary calm.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXXII. Death of Mr. Pelham.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
The popular history of England. by Charles Knight.
Chapter I. Dread of invasion.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter II. The Administration.
Chapter III. Accession of George III.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter IV. Lord Bute Prime Minister.
Chapter V. Llness of the king.
Chapter VI. New Parliament.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter VII. Lord North's Administration.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter VIII. Foreign affairs.
Chapter IX. Destrucction of the Tea in Boston Harbour.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter X. Franklin's return to America.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XI. Lord Howe, as the British Commissioner, addresses a letter to Washington...
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XI. Public opinion on the American War.
Chapter XIII. Associations for redress of grievances.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XIV. Elections of 1780.
Chapter XV. The king announces to Parliament the capitualtion of Cornwallis.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XVI. Overtures for Peace between Franklin and Shelburne.
Chapter XXVI. Political despodency at the close of the American War.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XVIII. Agricultural condition of the South Western Counties.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XIX. Revolution in the peaceful Arts.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XX. State of Art in the reign of George II.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXI. Manners as depicted in the Literature of the period.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXII. View of manners continued.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXIII. Retrospect of Indian affairs.
Chapter XXIV. Coalition of Lord North and Mr. Fox.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXV. Symptoms of great changes in France.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXVI. Connexion of the French Revolution with English history.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXVII. Flight from Paris of the king and his family.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXVIII. Deaths of the emperor and the king of Sweden.
Chapter XXIX. Opening of the French National Convention.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter XXX. Retrospect of Indian Affairs from 1785.
Chapter XXXI. Resolutions proposed by Mr. Fox against war with France.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
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