La crisis de la energía y temas afines
Monterrey, N.L. UANL. Centro Electrónico de Cálcul
Tabla de Contenido
Five views on values and technology. Karle scheibe.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Vision, Fainth, and Knowledge.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
On the social psychology of organizational resistances to long-range social planning.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Goals for technology.
Unified program planning...
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Parte 3.
The Modeling process..
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Satellite power stations: A new source of energy?
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Parte 3.
Energy: Crisis and challenge...
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Toward national energy policy.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Oil the omnipotent energy source...
Consevation: a Positive position...
Plumbing the ocean depths: a new source of power.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Solar energy progress - A world picture.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Pollution- Political expediency and technological competence.
Desing optimization using computer techniques.
An engineer looks at the energ´y dilemma.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Solar-powered refigeration.
Combined helium and steam cycle for nuclear power plants.
Power in the year 2001.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Parte 3.
Parte 4.
Parte 5.
Cooled fast beerder reactor desings.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Mhd central power: astatus report...
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Power plant effluent-thermal pollution or energy at a bargain price?
Recent advances and terds...
Gene D. nutter.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Environmental managent...
Radiation thermometry...
Engine and the eneronment.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
The solar era...
Trends inenergy needs...
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
The solar era. part 2. Power production with small solar engines.
The solar era. part 3. Solar radiation: Some Implications and adaptions.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
The solar era part 4. The university of florida electic...
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Parte 3.
The solar era pert 5. The pollution our solar energy
The energy crisis.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Boon to society: The L M F B R.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Long-range approaches for resolving.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
The tecnology, the energy crisis, standard of living.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
The role of htgrs and fbrs in meeting the energy crisis.
Energy, technology and solarchitecture.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Large-scale solar power photovoltaic.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.