Clinical notes on uterine surgery
New York,[N.Y.] William Wood 1873
Tabla de Contenido
Uterine surgery.
Section I. Conception occurs only during menstrual life.
Section II. Menstruation should be such as to show a healty condition of the uterine cavity.
Menorrhagia from fibrous engorgement of the cervix.
Of menorrhagia from fungold granulations.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Of menorrhagia from fibrous tumours.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Of painful mentruation.
Section III. The os and cervix uteri should be sufficiently open, not only to permit the free exit of the menstrual flow,.......
Section IV. The cervix uteri should be of proper size, form, and density.
Section V. The uterus should be in a normal position - i. e., neither anteverted nor retroverted to any graeat degree.
Of anteversion.
Of retroversion.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Of procidentia.
Section VI. The vagina must be capable of receiving and of retaining the spermatic fluid.
Section VII. For conception, semen with living spermatozoa should be deposited in the vagina at the proper time.
Section VIII. The secretions of the cervix and vagina should not poison or kill the spermatozoa.