II. Story of the bees (continued).
III. Very funny.
IV. Frank and the brid.
V. Frank and his wish.
VI. What bride says?
VII. Jocko.
VIII. Mary and the crow.
IX. The ship that Jack Built.
X. The dolls.
XI. Frank and his kite.
XIII. The little pigs.
XIV. The little pigs (continued).
XV. The moose.
XVI. The snail.
XVII. Tab and her kittens.
XVIII. The sheep.
XIX. Rover and the squirrel.
XXI. How John Earned ten cents.
XXII. The two wrens.
XXIII. The two wrens (continued).
XXIV. The idle boy.
XXV. An apple core.
XXVI. What dick, the dog, says?
XXVII. The sick doll.
XXIX. George Washington.
XXX. Never tell a lie.
XXXI. At play in the park.
XXXII. The deer hunt.
XXXIII. The deer hunt (continued).
XXXIV. Do your best.