IX. Adjectives (continued).
X. Adjectives of the third declension (continued).
XI. Comparison of adjectives.
XII. Formation and comparison of adverbs.
XIII. Personal, reflexive, and possessive pronouns.
XV. Relative, interrogative, and indefinite pronouns.
XVI. Conjugation.
XVII. Subjunctive, imperative, infinitive, and participle of sum.
XVIII. Indicative active of amo.
XIX. Active of amo. (Continued).
XX. Inactive passive of amo.
XXI. Passive of amo (continued).
XXII. Active voice of moneo.
XXIV. Active of rego.
XXV. Passive voice of rego.
XXVI. Active voice of audio.
XXVII. Passive voice of audio.
XXVIII. Verbs in of the third conjugation.
XXIX. Deponent verbs.
XXXVII. The acusative (continued).
XXXVIII. The Dative.
XXXIX. The dative (continued).
XL. The genitive.
XLI. The genitive (continued).
XLII. The ablative.
XLIII. The ablative (continued).
XLIV. The ablative (continued).
XLVI. Syntax of adjectives.
XLVII. Syntax of pronouns.
XLVIII. The subjunctive in independent sentences.
XLIX. The optative subjunctive.
L. Moods in dependent clauses.
LI. Clauses of characteristic.
LII. Temporal clauses: Clauses introduced by postquam...