Chapter I. Various plans of historical prelections- Chronological method- method of treating history as subservient only to the science of politics- Plan of the present work.
Chapter IV. Of the Egyptians- Early civilization- Inundation of the Nile- Government- Laws- Manners- Arts- Obelisks and pyramids- Sciences- Philosophical opinions-Character.
Chapter IX. The Republic of Lacedaemon- Origin- Divided Sovereignty- Browns Theory of the Spartan constitution examined- Reform of Lycurgus- Senate-Limitation of the Kingly power- Regulation of manners- Equal partition of land among all the citizen-Iron money…
Chapter X. The Republic of Athens- Revolution in the states of Attica- Regal government abolished- Perpetual Archons- Draco- Solon- His institutions- Senate- Areopagus re.established- Power of the popular Assemblies- Laws- Ostracism…
Chapter XI. Origin of the Persian monarchy- End of the Firs Assyrian empire-Era of Nabonassar- Monarchy of the Medes; Dejoces, Phraotes, Cyaxares, Nabopolassar- Nabuchodonozor II- Captivity of the jews- Cyrus the Elder- Cambyses…
Chapter I. History of Greece, continued- Origin and cause of the war with Persia- Commencement of hostilities- Battle of Marathon- Miltiades-Aristides- Themistocles- Invasion of Greece by Xerxes-…
Chapter II. Administration of Pericles- Peloponnesian war- Siege of Plataea- Alcibiades- Lysander- The thirty tyrants- Thrasybulus- Death of Socrates- Retreat of the thousand- Car whit Persia terminated by the peace of Antalcidas. 90
Chapter III. Republic of Thebes- Pelopidas and Epaminondas- Battle of Leuctrs- of Mantinea- General peace and its consequences- Philip of Macedon- the Sacred War- Demosthenes- Cattle of Chaeronea- Designs of Philips against Persia- His death.
Chapter IV. Alexander the Great takes and destroys Thebes- Submission of the Grecian States- Alexander declared general of the armies of Greece- Battle of the Granicus- Issus- Siege of Tyre…
Chapter V. Flourishing state of Egypy Ander the Ptolemies- Greece after the death of Alexander- Achaian league-Revolution al Lacedaemon- Ambitious designs of Philip II. of Macedon draw on him the vengeance of the Romans…
Chapter VI. Political reflections arising from the history of Greece- Retrospective view constitutional defects in the leading republics- A pure democracy is a chimera-…
Chapter VII. The Greeks not eminent in the useful arts- Commerce- Superiority in the fine arts- Greek architecture-Gothic architecture- Sculpture- Inferiority of the moderns- Greek religion favorable to sculpture and painting Greek painters.
Chapter VIII. Publics games of Greece- Effects on charter- Manners- Poetical composition anterior to pose- Homer- Hesiod- Archilochus- Terpander- Sappho- Pindar-Anaceron- The Greek epigram…
Chapter I. the Roman history- Earliest periods of the history of Rome-Etruscans foundation of Rome- Disputed accounts of- Romulus- Rape of the Sabines- Origin of the political Institutions of the Romans-…
Chapter II. Servius Tullius , sixth king of Rome- His political talents- Artful division of the people into classes and centuries- The Census Lustrum-Tarquinius Superbus- End of the regal government-…
Chapter III. Interregnum- Consuls appointed with sovereing power- Conspiracy against the new Government- Patriotism of Brutus- Valerian Law- War with Porsena- Popular disturbances- Debts of the poor-…
Chapter IV. Increase of the power of the tribunes- they concoke an assembly of the people- Coriolanus- Disputes on the Agrarian law- law of Volero- And change produced by it
Chapter V. An agrarian law never seriously projected- Decemviri proposed to digest a code of laws- Cincinnatus- Appointment of Decemvirs- Laws of the twelve tables- Tyranny of the Decemvirs- Infamous conduct of Appius Claudius- Death of Virginia- Abolition of the Decemvirate.
Chapter VI. Law against intermarrieg of patricians and plebeians repealed- Military Tribunes created- Creation of censors- Their high powers of office- A regular pay assigned to the army introduces a new balance into the constitution-…
Chapter IX. First Punic War- First naval victory of the Romans- invasion of Africa Regulus- Termination of the war- Second Punic War- Hannibal passes the alps- His victories in Italy- Battle of Cannae-…
Chapter I. Sedition of the Gracchi- Cornelia, mother of the Gracchi- Criminal ambition of Jugurtha- The Romans declare war against him, under Metellus and Marius- Death of Jugurtha-…
Chapter II. Caesar passes the Rubicon- Matches to Rome- Name dictator- Battle of Pharsalia- Fligth and death of Pompey- Defeat of Pharnaces- Death of Cato- Caesar's reforms in the Roma sate-…
Chapter I. Fate of the Roman Republic decided by the Battle of Actium- Reign of Augustus- Birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ- Tiberius- Crucifixion of our Saviour- Caligula- Claudius- Nero- Galba- Otho- Vitellius- Vespasian- Titus- Domitian- Nerva- Trajan- Adrian.
Chapter II. Age of the Antonines- Commodus- Petinax- The Praetorian guards sell the empire by auction- Four emperors proclaimed- Severus marches to Rome and disbands the Praetorian guards-war in Britain-…
Chapter III. Change in the System of Policy and Government introduced by Constantine-Pretorian Perfects- Proconsuls- Counts and dukes- Taxes- Free Gifts-seat of empire translated to Constantinople-...