XIV. The religious wars in central europe, or the thirty years' war.
XV. Results of the religious wars in central europe.
XVI. Richelieu and mazarin. Completion of monarchical france.
XIX. The english revolution.
XX. Coalitions against france.
XXI. Arts, letters asnd sciences in the seventeenth century.
XXII. Creation of russia. Downfall of sweden.
XXIII. Creation of prussia. Decline of france and austria.
XXIV. Maritime and colonial power of england.
XXV. Foundation of the united states of america.
XXVI. Destruction of poland. Decline of the ottomans. Greatness of russia.
XXXV. New and impotent efforts of the old régime against the liberal spirit.
XXXVI. Consequences of the revolution of July in france. Struggle between the liberal conservatives and the republicans.