The fifteen decisive battles of the world : form marathon to waterloo /
New York : John B. Alden, 1892
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The fifteen decisive battles of the world from Marathon to Waterloo...
Chapter I. The battle of marathon.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter II. Defeat of the athenians at syracuse, B. C. 413.
Chapter III. The battle of arbela, B.C. 331.
Chapter IV. The battle of the metaurus, B.C. 207.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter V. Victory of arminius over the roman legions under varus, A.D. 9.
Chapter VI. The battle of chalons, A. D. 451.
Chapter VII. The battle of toues, A. D. 732.
Chapter VIII. The battle of hastings, A.D. 1060.
Parte 1.
Parte 2.
Chapter IX. Joan of arcīs victory over the english at orleans, A. D. 1429.
Chapter X. The defeat of the spanish armada A. D. 1588.
Chapter XI. The battle of blenheim, A. D. 1704.
Chapter XII. The battle of pultowa, A. D. 1709.
Chapter XIII. Victory of the americans over burgoyne at saratoga, A.D. 1777.
Chapter XIV. The battle of valmy, A. D. 1792.
Chapter XV. Battle of waterloo, A. D. 1815.